How to Secure Your New Windows and Doors | Golden Windows

Canada is undoubtedly one of the safest countries in the world, with a relatively low crime rate compared to similar nations. Still, it doesn’t hurt to take precautions to keep your family and your property safe. Security is one of the best reasons to replace your windows or doors, so consider replacing aging doors and windows today.

Let’s look at some security tips for your new windows and doors.


Risks of Open Windows & Doors

This may sound obvious but avoid leaving your doors or windows open while the house is unoccupied. Here are some of the risks of leaving your windows and doors open:

  • Vulnerable to Theft: Leaving your windows and doors open makes it easier for burglars to break in without being noticed.
  • Unsecured Access Points: Open windows and doors provide easy access for an intruder, negating any security system you may have in place.
  • Security Camera Blind Spots: Open windows can provide enough cover for someone to enter your home without being seen on camera.
  • Invites Unwanted Visitors: Open windows can attract all types of unwanted guests, including small animals and insects.

Windows Play a Crucial Role

Windows not only provide natural light and ventilation but also play a crucial role in the safety and security of your home. Burglars and intruders often target windows as they may appear easy to force open. In fact, reports suggest that 23% of burglars gain entry through a first floor window.

Benefits of Securing Windows

1.  It provides peace of mind knowing that your home is protected.

2.  It may lower your home insurance premiums as insurance companies sometimes offer discounts for homes with enhanced security measures.

3.   It can increase the value of your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Different Types of Window Locks and Security Features

There are various types of window locks, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of window locks are:

  • Sash locks are installed on the top or bottom of the window sash and are easy to operate. They provide adequate protection for most homes.
  • Sliding window locks are designed for sliding windows and prevent the window from being lifted out of the frame. They are easy to install and use.
  • Window security bars are installed on the outside of the window and prevent intruders from entering. They are highly effective but can be unsightly and limit visibility.

Apart from window locks, there are other security features that you can install to enhance your home security. These include:

  • Window sensors detect when a window is opened and alert you or your security company.
  • Security cameras can deter intruders from wandering around the perimeter of your home.
  • Home alarms to detect when something is amiss, and deter a potential threat from entering your home.


How to Strengthen Your Existing Windows for Better Security

Awning window with encore handle and lock

While strengthening your existing windows can improve their security, installing new windows and doors is the best way to enhance your home’s protection. New windows and doors offer several benefits, including:

  • New windows and doors are made with more advanced materials that are stronger and more durable than older models.
  • New windows and doors are designed to be more energy efficient, reducing your energy bills and carbon footprint.
  • New windows and doors come with advanced security features that make them more difficult to break into.
  • Installing new windows and doors can increase the value of your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers.


Choosing the right window and door materials for maximum security

When it comes to window and door materials, there are several options to choose from. The most common materials are:

  • Vinyl windows and doors are affordable, energy efficient, and low maintenance. They are also highly customizable and available in a wide range of colours and styles.
  • Wood windows and doors offer a classic and elegant look to your home. They are also energy efficient and provide excellent insulation. However, they may require more maintenance than other materials.
  • Aluminum Clad windows and doors are strong, durable, and low maintenance. They are also highly customizable and available in a range of colours and finishes.
  • Fiberglass windows and doors are energy efficient, durable, and low maintenance. They are also resistant to extreme weather conditions and provide excellent insulation.

When choosing the right material for your windows and doors, consider factors such as durability, energy efficiency, maintenance, and security features.

If you’re interested in security and style, we highly recommend you obtain increased security with triple glazed windows from Golden Windows. Not only are these windows aesthetically pleasing and energy efficient, but they offer increased security and comfort.


Installation Tips for Your New Windows and Doors

To ensure your new windows and doors are installed correctly and functioning properly, follow these installation tips:

  • Choose a reputable contractor: Hiring a reputable and experienced contractor is essential for a successful installation. If you’re investing in new windows or doors, please consider the valuable installation services at Golden Windows. Our professionals have the qualifications and experience to install windows and doors to your satisfaction.
  • Get the right measurements: Accurate measurements are crucial for ensuring that your new windows and doors fit correctly.
  • Properly seal and insulate: Properly sealing and insulating your new windows and doors can improve their energy efficiency and prevent air leaks.
  • Test your new windows and doors: Before the contractor leaves, test your new windows and doors to ensure that they function correctly.


Additional Home Security Measures to Consider

While securing your windows and doors is essential, there are other home security measures that you should consider. These include:

  • Outdoor lighting can illuminate your property and deter intruders from targeting your home.
  • Overgrown trees and bushes can provide cover for intruders. Trimming them can improve the visibility around your home.

Window Security Maintenance and Upkeep

Maintaining and keeping your window security features in good condition is essential for their effectiveness. Here are some maintenance tips to follow:

  • Regularly cleaning and lubricating your window locks and hinges can prevent them from rusting and seizing up.
  • Damaged or worn-out locks can compromise the security of your windows. Replace them as soon as possible.
  • Regularly inspecting your window frames and glass can help you identify any damage or wear and tear.

Window maintenance


Why is Door Security Important?

Door security is important because it is the first line of defense against intruders. Experts say that 34% of burglars use the front door, while 22% get in through the back door.

Intruders can easily break into your home if your doors are not properly secured. They can use various tools to break the locks or hinges of your doors, making it easy for them to enter your home. Door security measures can prevent intruders from breaking into your home and keep your family safe.

Types of Door Security Measures

1. Deadbolts - Deadbolts are one of the most effective ways to secure your doors. They are a type of lock that cannot be easily picked or bumped. They are available in different types, including single-cylinder and double-cylinder deadbolts.

2. Door Reinforcement - Door reinforcement is a process of adding extra layers of metal to your doors to make them more secure. This involves installing metal plates and reinforcing the hinges of your doors.

3. Security Bars - Security bars are metal bars that are installed on the inside of your doors and windows. They prevent intruders from entering your home by making it difficult for them to break the glass.

4. Smart Locks - Smart locks are electronic locks that can be controlled through your smartphone. They are more secure than traditional locks because they cannot be easily picked or bumped. Smart locks offer several advantages over conventional locks too.


Factors to Consider When Choosing Door Security Measures

The level of security needed depends on the location of your home and the crime rate in your area. If you live in a high-crime area, you need to choose door security measures that provide a higher level of security.

  • Type of Door - The type of door you have also determines the type of security measures you need. Different types of doors require different types of security measures.
  • Budget - Your budget also plays a role in choosing door security measures. Some security measures are more expensive than others.
  • How to Secure New Doors - You can choose doors made of steel, fiberglass or solid wood for door security. You should also choose doors with high-quality locks, such as deadbolts.


DIY Door Security Solutions

There are various DIY door security solutions that you can use to secure your doors. Some of the most common DIY solutions are:

  • Door Jammers: These devices are placed under your doors to prevent them from being opened from the outside. They are easy to install and are relatively inexpensive.
  • Door Chains: These types of locks prevent the door from being fully opened. They are easy to install and are relatively inexpensive.
  • Peepholes: These small holes in your doors allow you to see who is outside before opening the door. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Securing Doors

  1. Using low-quality locks can make it easy for intruders to break into your home. Always use high-quality locks, such as deadbolts, to secure your doors.
  2. If the hinges of your doors are not properly secured, intruders can easily remove the door from the frame. Always make sure the hinges are properly secured.
  3. Leaving spare keys under doormats or flowerpots is a common mistake. Intruders know to look for spare keys in these places. Always keep spare keys with a trusted friend or family member.


Door Security for Different Types of Doors

  • Front Door - The front door is the most critical door to secure because it is the main entry point into your home. You should use high-quality locks, such as deadbolts, to secure your front door.
  • Back Door - The back door is another entry point that intruders may use to gain access to your home. You should also use high-quality locks to secure your back door.
  • Sliding Door - Sliding doors are easy to break into if they are not properly secured. You can use security bars or install a sliding door lock to secure your sliding door.


Installing New Windows and Doors: Your Questions Answered

These were some important security tips for new windows and doors. If you have more questions, please check our installing new windows FAQ. 

Remember, secure windows don’t have to be unsightly. For example, if you’re thinking of installing new slider windows, consider our GoldenVinyl® 1000 Series. Not only are these windows feature-rich and aesthetically pleasing, but they have hidden steel reinforcement for an extra layer of safety. At Golden Windows, we’re always on top of trending window styles.


Replacement Windows & Doors with Golden Windows

Window and door security is an essential aspect of home security that should not be overlooked. Securing your windows and doors can prevent break-ins, protect your loved ones, and increase the value of your property. Whether you choose to strengthen your existing windows or install new ones, remember to choose the right materials, follow proper installation procedures, and maintain them regularly.

Please feel free to get in touch with Golden Windows at any time for help. We are one of the top Canadian window companies and have been manufacturing premium quality doors and windows in Ontario for builders and homeowners throughout Ontario and USA for over 60 years.

Our Certified Installation Team are experts and masters at their craft. They have many years of experience installing windows and doors of different shapes and sizes. Hiring our installation team will give you peace of mind. Your products will be installed correctly and securely. And your investment will serve you for many years to come.


Tips for a Cool and Comfy Home This Summer | Golden Windows

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7/12/2024 2:58:47 PM

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