Put Windows & Doors on Your 2021 List of Resolutions! | Golden Windows

As the holiday festivities wind down and the decorations slowly make their way back into boxes, we reflect on the year behind us. It was not a conventional year, to say the least. But it afforded us more time with family and allowed us to view, with fresh eyes, our immediate surroundings.

Now, we look toward 2021. A new year has always been a time of transformation – a ceremonial farewell to the year that was, and a hearty greeting to the year to come. For many, the new year is a time for resolutions. As we break the seal on a brand-new calendar, we see it as an opportunity to better ourselves and our homes.

This year, we can expect to continue spending more time indoors with loved ones. It makes sense, therefore, to include some home improvement aspirations on your list of New Year’s resolutions. In this article, we are offering our list of the best New Year’s resolutions for your windows and doors.

Get a jumpstart on replacing your windows and doors in the springtime by booking your appointment early, that way you can enjoy a brighter, more efficient home when the warm weather arrives. Make window maintenance a top priority to get maximum value from your investments. And if your windows and doors need servicing, do not procrastinate – contact us through our Request Service page to get them looking and working like new.

Let’s take a closer look at 2021’s top home improvement New Year’s resolutions.


Add More Natural Light to Your Home

Especially in the winter, it is important to get plenty of sunshine. Natural light is necessary for creating the chemical reaction in your body that produces Vitamin D – an essential vitamin responsible for reducing depression, fighting off diseases, improving metabolism and strengthening bones. It has also been shown to improve your mood and regulate your sleep schedule.

Beyond its health benefits, natural light is just a comforting feature in a home. It makes a home look more spacious, more vibrant, and more welcoming. If your 2021 resolutions include getting more sunshine – and they should – consider installing bright new windows.

Looking Out The Window

Of the windows we offer at Golden Windows, some of the best for natural light are picture windows and bay/bow windows.

Picture windows are often large, dramatic, and eye-catching windows. They offer stunning vistas and allow plenty of natural light. If you are interested in installing picture windows, including floor-to-ceiling options, we encourage you to check out one of our showrooms of windows and doors in London Ontario, Kanata and Kitchener. Or visit the gallery on our website for stunning examples.

Bay windows are multi-panelled windows that extrude from the exterior of a home at 30° or 45°, allowing for a range of natural light throughout the day. Typically, bay windows are installed with a picture window in the center, surrounded by a casement window on either side. Bow windows – a close relative of the bay window – are semi-circular instead of angular, creating a more rounded accent in a room.

In truth, any product from Golden Windows can add much-needed natural light to your home. Choose from an array of windows, entry systems with sidelites, sliding patio doors and skylights to make your 2021 even brighter. If you are looking forward to spring sunshine, book your appointment with us now!


Get a Head Start on Summer Renovations

It’s never too early to start thinking about the summer. Especially during the cold Canadian winters, planning summer renovations can be an excellent way to pass the time. Plus, with homeowners staying home more due to COVID-19 this past year, it has allowed them to invest in upgrades around their home (staycation renovations) so now’s the perfect time to put your plans in motion.

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to start planning for home renovations, begin by adding a bright new sliding patio door.

The sliding patio doors from Golden Windows come in your choice of GoldenClad®, GoldenWood® and GoldenVinyl®.

GoldenClad® Sliding Patio Doors mix the warmth and elegance of traditional wood on the interior with the added luxury and protection of colour-matched aluminum cladding on the exterior. GoldenWood® Sliding Patio Doors feature all-wood, inside, and out, giving your backyard a more rustic and outdoorsy feel. And our GoldenVinyl® Sliding Patio Doors are specifically designed and engineered for efficiency, durability, and timeless elegance.

You cannot go wrong with any of our sliding patio door options. It is just a matter of choosing one that fits your personal taste, unique home, and lifestyle.

Increase Your Home's Energy Efficiency

Environmental issues are on many homeowners' minds these days, as we all look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and conserve energy.

A terrific way to conserve energy in 2021 is to make the switch to tripled glazed, high performance windows in your home. The triple glazed windows from Golden Windows feature three panes of Low-E glass separated by argon gas fills – colourless, odourless, inert gas that improves thermal insulation by reducing heat transfer.

The triple glazed windows from Golden Windows meet the ENERGY STAR® program specifications for Zone 3 (defined as having an Energy Rating equal to or greater than 34,) which means they are efficient in even the coldest of Canadian climates. For your home, that means more warmth, fewer greenhouse gas emissions and lower utility bills.

In addition to their efficiency benefits, triple glazed windows also provide superior noise reduction. Because of the added pane and fill, these windows are more effective at blocking out sound, making them an ideal choice for a home office, or bedroom. If you have a noisy neighbour who likes to cut the lawn at odd hours, these windows offer an added layer of protection for at-home tranquillity.

If you and your family are implementing eco-friendly New Year’s resolutions in 2021, add triple glazed windows to the list of action items. Contact Golden Windows to learn more about installing these efficient windows.


Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is an essential component of homeownership, regardless of whether you plan to sell your home. If you intend to list your home, improved curb appeal makes a great first impression for potential buyers. If you have no intention of leaving, curb appeal is still a unique expression of homeowner pride – a compelling way to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your neighbourhood. 

If increased curb appeal is one of your New Year’s resolutions, head straight for the front door. A front door is often the first thing passersby notice about a home, and certainly the first things guests notice as they ring the doorbell.


For a stunningly designed, sturdily build front entry system, choose Golden Windows. Our front doors, including the GoldenClad® and GoldenWood® Entry Systems, are designed for style and functionality right here in Ontario.

There are several ways that a Golden Windows entry system improves your curb appeal. For one, each door features the GoldenGuard® sill, which eliminates the need for unattractive door sweeps while incorporating an efficient drainage system.

Secondly, when you choose a Golden Windows entry system, you can choose from six standard and 30 optional colours to complement your home’s exterior. Also, choose from a wide variety of steel panels, smooth and textured fibreglass panels to give your front door precisely the look you are after. Golden Windows’ entry systems are endlessly customizable, meaning you have a greater say over your curb appeal. 

If you are interested in the other doors we offer, including garage door frames and terrace doors, check out all door products on our website.


Turn Over a New Leaf

This New Year, your resolution might be a simple, general one: take better care of your home. To help you fulfil this resolution, we are offering a new “Request Service” page on our website. If you need help repairing your existing windows or need window replacements, contact us for service on your new windows or doors at the link provided.

Simply fill out a few items on the form, including your information and the nature of your issue, and our expert team will be in touch. It’s never been easier to take better care of your home.


Maintain Your Windows and Doors for Maximum Value

Window and door maintenance should be a top priority in 2021. Not only does regular maintenance keep your windows and doors looking great, but it also ensures they operate at peak performance.

In this section, we have broken down window maintenance into two categories: general care and condensation control. For general care, we will offer cleaning and maintenance tips designed to ensure your windows stay beautiful and functional for years to come. And for condensation control, we want to educate homeowners on the causes, consequences and control solutions for this common household occurrence.

General Care

As you write out your New Year's resolutions for the home, be sure to include window care on the list. All it takes is a biannual cleaning (although you can do it more often,) and you can be assured of having many years of trouble-free windows. Choose a couple of dates for window care in your new 2021 calendar and stick to them.

You can refer to this easy list of common care procedures when the day comes:

  • First things first: during the winter months, we recommend removing the internal screens from your windows. This reduces the chance of condensation forming (more on condensation below.)
  • Clean the operating hardware, hinges and tracks biannually at minimum. Lubricate the hardware with a light oil or silicone spray.
  • Use mild soap and water to clean the vinyl and clad surfaces of your windows.
  • Apply automotive paste wax to your aluminum frames to maintain their bright lustre.
  • Avoid abrasive materials and harsh cleaners when cleaning the glass. Instead, use microfiber cloths and/or a mild mixture of dish soap and water.
  • Once a year, inspect the caulking around your windows. Look for cracks, chips and gaps, and ensure that the caulking forms a proper seal against the glass. If the caulking is damaged, re-caulk your window, or contact Golden Windows for help.

Attending to the cleaning items above should not take you longer than an afternoon. Your reward, however, will be continued years of worry-free use.

Condensation Control

We are spotlighting condensation in its own section because a) it’s a common household issue that homeowners deserve to know about, and b) it can be easily controlled by following a few simple precautions.

Condensation occurs when warm, moist air in the home meets a cool surface. Because glass has a lower surface temperature than other surfaces in your home, you will notice condensation there first. Excess condensation on your windows indicates moisture elsewhere in the house, which can translate to a buildup of mould and mildew.

Do not be alarmed if you notice condensation. It is a natural occurrence, especially in homes with properly sealed windows and doors (a well-sealed home will retain more humidity.) Day-to-day, a family of four will produce roughly 1.5 gallons of moisture per day. And that does not even factor in other sources of moisture, like boiling water, hot showers, plants, aquariums, and gas appliances. Your task is to manage that moisture.

To help prevent excess condensation, follow these simple steps:

  • Turn off any humidifiers, including portable and furnace humidifiers.
  • Consider running a dehumidifier. The goal is to keep the relative humidity (RH) in your home in the 30-40% range, which you can measure using a hygrometer. Do not attempt to go lower than 30%, however – low humidity levels can cause health problems and can cause wood in the home to contract.
  • Consider adding ventilation fans in high humidity areas like the laundry room, kitchen, and bathrooms.
  • Always vent your dryers, stovetop hood fans and any gas appliances to the outside of the home.
  • Install an in-house air exchanger system like an HRV or GRV.
  • If you can, try to limit the amount of humidity you produce. If you engage in an activity that produces large amounts of water vapour, like boiling water without a lid or taking a long, hot shower, try to ventilate accordingly.

This year make it a resolution to keep condensation in check. Ensure your windows and doors are efficient and well-sealed and follow the easy tips above.

Make 2021 the year for windows and doors. Maintain your windows to ensure years of worry-free use; add plenty of natural light with picture, bay or bow windows; do your part in limiting greenhouse gas emissions by installing new triple glazed windows and increase your home’s curb appeal with the addition of a Golden Windows Front Entry System. Those are resolutions worth keeping.


Tips for a Cool and Comfy Home This Summer | Golden Windows

High quality, well maintained windows & doors play a crucial role in keeping the heat out & the cool air in. Learn how these window care & maintenance tips can help.

7/12/2024 2:58:47 PM

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